If you are an AR player and thinking of stepping up in COD season 3, Below we have revealed the 5 best assault rifles for the game.
COD Warzone shows a brand-new meta with a new season. The first 2 seasons were influenced by DMR to a great extent, but recently Patch has built a variety of potential weapons. Here are some of the great assault rifles you can bring to Verdansk ’84.
FFAR 1 – It Connects the gap between these two ARs and SMGs

FFAR 1 is one of the finest AR in the Warzone, although it uses a lot of nerfs before the start of the third season. This gun is apparently meant to bridge the gap between ARs and machine guns, the gun speed, and upload rate would be familiar to every SMG player. By combining the Bruiser Grip and the Quickdot LED optic field, you can attach incredible AR adjustability and handle to this AR.
The combination of the Salvo 50 Rand Fast Mag and the 21.2” ranger barrel will increase the rifle’s stopping power while adding on enough ammunition to the pin or clip to kill the entire squad without reloading. This assault rifle is unbeatable in Point-blank range. But it is also not very difficult in a long-range gunfight, it is possibly the most flexible AR in the game.
CR-56 AMAX – The thinking man’s SCAR

Like the previous days’ AK-4 and SCAR, the CR-56 AMAX ensured highly damage output, although still managing decent rates of recoil and fire.
This rifle has the highest firepower in the COD game, not much should be done to increase the increase of gun damage. Instead, focus on attachments that increase the range of the rifle, such as the XRK size S440 barrel attachment and the VLK 3.0x optic display.
Instead, you should focus on add-ons that increase the range of the rifle like the XRK S440 barrel add-on and VLK 3.0x optic display. You should keep yourself away from tight spaces and keep your enemies at a distance as this weapon works flawlessly well in mid-range to long-distance gunfights.
The 45 Round Mags bullets attachment can provide longevity when leaving the team and cause the CR-56 AMAX unbelievable damage per gunshot. It can be a more difficult weapon to unlock, But it is definitely beneficial.
Odeon – Slow and steady wins the race

The Odeon might not be an attractive assault rifle But in comparison to the quick shots like the AR’s mentioned above, it can’t be defeated. Although with the low rate of firing among the ARs, any reliable shooter can target at any distance. In this context, You can consider this AR as the sniper rifle for long-range battles.
Attachments that you prefer for Oden AR do not do much for less rate of fire, Odeon should be centered on reducing your recoil. Stippled Grip Tape and Tac Laser all give your opponents a direct and clearer shot.
It is definitely a gun that can harm you for b aiming, but on another hand, it cannot be stopped.